CObalt and sustainability
Our Commitment
The Scandinavian Countries
Citizens and corporations in the Scandinavian countries are blessed with governments that for a long time have had a strong focus on the environment and UN’s Global Goals.
The Scandinavian countries are considered world leading forces in the use of renewable energy, clean technology and alternative fuels. Norway’s target is to be carbon-neutral in 2030. By 2045, Sweden plans to cut its emissions to net zero, and Denmark plans to do the same in 2050. Copenhagen aims to be the world's first carbon-neutral capital by 2025. The European Green Capital Award has been awarded to Stockholm in 2010, to Copenhagen in 2014 and to Oslo in 2019.
CObalt is committed to support and develop the good work which has already been started by our governments.
We all have a responsibility
At CObalt we believe that we all have a responsibility to preserve our environment, to work for sustainability and UN’s Global Goals.
We all have an impact, and we believe that we can all make a difference. At CObalt we pay attention to the responsibility we have both as professionals and as individuals. As a company we continuously focus on conducting our business while caring about our social responsibility, focusing on sustainability and on the environment.
We work continuously to reduce our own direct environmental impact, in terms of energy and resource consumption, waste production and emissions. We also strive to reduce our indirect environmental impact, through the suppliers and partners we choose to work with. We’re committed to offering a sustainable/ecological friendly alternative to the services requested, so it will be easier for our clients to make ”the right choice”.
When we conduct our business, we aim at following the 10 principles in the UN Global Compact. The principles are based on internationally agreed conventions in the areas of human rights, labor rights, the environment and anti-corruption.
We work internally with the following:
- We see diversity as an advantage, and we do not discriminate in respect of employment and occupation. We do not discriminate in respect of nationality, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age or any other illegal discrimination grounds
- We uphold the freedom of association
- Recycling: we comply with the public recycling system on paper, glass, cardboard, electrical equipment, dangerous goods, metal etc.
- Water and energy conservation: We make use of new technologies that can help us minimize our use of energy and water
- We use technology to decrease our printing to a minimum and we store our data in the Cloud instead of printing and keeping hard copies
- We do not use air conditioning
- All employees are proud to use public transportation or bike instead of driving by private cars
- We strive to buy and eat as much food produced ecologically and locally as possible
We work externally with the following:
- We work against corruption and bribery. We only do business with trusted partners
- We continuously ask and hold a dialogue with our suppliers regarding their environmental efforts
- We promote suppliers with environmental/sustainable profiles (we work with several hotels, restaurants and transportation companies that focus on reducing their environmental impact and hold sustainable certifications)
- We promote other forms of transfers such as boat, train, bicycle and walking
- We promote App solutions for congresses in order to minimize paper waste
- We promote sustainable tours, venues and activity options
- We try to reduce transfers by carefully planning each event logistically
- Our preferred taxi supplier picks environmental cars for our bookings when such are available

our sustainable activities
Danish for “Ocean Harvest” – is the largest member organisation focused on developing sustainable aquaculture in Denmark. Through events and activities, the organisation encourages the use of blue areas in and around cities for people to try their hand at local, sustainable food production. With a starting point in education and dissemination, the organisation is working to share knowledge and bolster a network of communities in Denmark and internationally.
At a Havhøst event, you can look forward to an array of engaging activities, such as oyster workshops and, wine tastings.
Go Boats
Discover Copenhagen from your own solar-powered picnic-boat in Copenhagen's harbour and canals.
You are the captain of your own boat and have the freedom to sail - almost - wherever you want, without polluting. The boats are easy to operate and do not require any certificate or prior experience with sailing.
With a speed of three knots (approximately five-six km/h), the small blue boats move slowly and quietly through the city's canals.
Sustainable boats
The fleet is partly made from empty recycled plastic bottles, while tabletops onboard are made from Norwegian environmentally-friendly wood. Solar panels on the roof of the GoBoat pavilion provide power for the boats.
The next generation of GoBoats will be made from 100% recycled fibre materials from Vestas wind turbines - as soon as the technology is fully developed.

Support to children's foundation
Sagapo Children’s Foundation
Sagapo Children’s Foundation is a humanitarian organization dedicated to working with children, families and their communities worldwide to reach their full potential through education. Sagapo commits in creating awareness to transform lives and restore hope. By educating the children of today, we envision positive change in current communities, and encourage the passing on of their knowledge to future generations.
Sixty-seven million primary school-age children around the world are not enrolled in school. Lack of education puts these children at a greater risk for exploitation, early marriage, racism, violence, and drastically decreases down their expected income. Our mission is to create a better learning environment for children and increase awareness among their parents, communities, and governments about the necessity and importance of proper education.
We commit to honour the right for all children to have access to education so they have the chance to evolve and excel. Our respect and deep love for children are the driving force for our cause. Our efforts revolve around our belief that education is the only method of eradicating poverty internationally, and you can trust that our goal is that money and efforts actually get to the children in need.