Arinex and sustainability
Our Commitment
Arinex respects our relationship with the environment and we openly acknowledge the adverse effects events may have when not conscientiously managed. Thus, sustainability is at the fore of every decision we make and we are committed to reducing our environmental footprint and that of our events.
We have signed an international commitment to reduce our footprint company-wide (IAPCO Plastics Pledge), as well as the footprint of our clients’ events, through sustainable design and carbon offsetting. We work with partners and suppliers who have active sustainable policies and we also actively encourage discussions and awareness around environmental practice throughout our industry.
Workplace diversity is also of huge importance to any organisation’s success and we are proud of the diversity at Arinex. We are committed to employing people from all cultures and backgrounds and we aspire to diversify our company across all indicators including gender, age, sexuality, ability and religion. This is evidenced through our many spoken languages, with our 85 staff collectively speaking more than 20 languages.
We acknowledge the Indigenous Australians as traditional custodians of our land and seek to be an employer of choice for those identifying as First Nations people.
Carbon neutral
Arinex is proud to be a carbon neutral organisation. We strive to deliver on the four pillars of sustainability – human, social, economic and environment by aligning with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Our corporate social responsibility beliefs underpin this and frame our decision making day-to-day. As a result, we are proud of the positive impact within our organisation, our team and our clients.
We also have taken important steps to create a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) which can be included on the site. Here is some text: Arinex is working towards meaningful action to advance reconciliation, receiving endorsement from Reconciliation Australia on its Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP).
It means a deeper connection with First Nations people in the planning and delivery of our clients’ events, further enhancing the cultural experience for attendees

Corporate environmental volunteering with National Parks
Sydney, Australia
Habitat loss is a key reason 500 native Australian animals are now on the Threatened Species List. Corporate environmental volunteering with National Parks is a great team building experience that strengthens bonds, ignites team spirit and creates memorable experiences for employees undertaking meaningful activities that benefit our environment. We can also organise site tours, native animal displays, and Indigenous culture workshops.
Working in one of Sydney’s National Parks for the day delegates will undertake a variety of tasks such as planting out areas with native seedlings, bush regeneration activities including mulching and weeding, or heritage restoration work at Middle Head to help us reveal the old tunnels at Middle Head.
Queenstown, New Zealand
Settlers introduced exotic plants and invasive weeds into New Zealand and did not realise the impact this would have on our native species, ecosystems and conservation lands. Wilding pines are one of the most aggressive of these exotic species. Wilding trees not only affect the visual nature of the environment, but also the native plant and animal communities and impact soil composition and acidity and water yields.
We run CSR days where corporates book with us to spend time culling the wilding pines. These days are extremely well received and time is spent out in the open on Queenstown Hill Station pulling up wilding pines. A local company, Wilding & Co, has pioneered distilling the pine oil from the culled trees and we can also involve them to demonstrate how the work done is turned into a very desirable essential oil product. So the delegates can actually see the positive benefits of their work over a lunch organised at the sheep station woolshed to finish a fun CSR event.

Events should have a positive impact on the community and Arinex achieves this by channelling our staffs’ expertise and passion to help others.
Arinex Partners with NatureBoss
In line with our dedication to sustainable best practice for our events, Arinex has formed a partnership with NatureBoss, renowned for its eco-friendly tours and experiences. This collaboration was especially meaningful for the recent Ottawa 2024 conference, centred on evaluating competence in medicine and education for healthcare professions.
Held over five days in February at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, the Conference exceeded expectations by attracting over 1,130 delegates worldwide. To support the Local Organising Committee's sustainability goals, Arinex joined forces with NatureBoss to provide delegates with a variety of pre and post tours. These tours included nature escapes, adventure activities and cultural experiences throughout Melbourne and surrounds that prioritised environmental conservation.
For every delegate who joined a tour, a portion of proceeds were donated to local Victorian conservation projects and 10 trees were planted for every experience booked.
We have launched a charity partnership with Starlight Children’s Foundation to assist in achieving their mission of brightening the lives of sick children.
We have a long-standing partnership with Sydney Rotary Club, providing voluntary event services for their annual New South Wales Police Officer of the Year Awards since the inaugural event in 2010.
We also regularly work with charities such as Oz Harvest to support communities in need and we engage First Australians to integrate their culture in our event design and proposals and appropriately acknowledge them as traditional owners. This provides our clients and staff with the comfort of knowing their events are making a positive difference.