Sustainability by the Phoenix Voyages Group
Our Commitment
Corporate Social Responsibility Policy
Aware that tourism is important for the development of countries and their populations, it can also destabilize communities and traditions. At Phoenix Voyages we wish to offer our customers authentic stays far from mass tourism that respect the integrity of local populations, their way of life, and the fauna and flora.
We believe that tourism should be profitable for all. With this in mind, we are taking action to ensure that the local people in our destinations will benefit from our business. That is why we have been supporting projects for many years through our Foundation.
We try, as much as possible, to fairly distribute the profits from our activities among the stakeholders, thus making it possible to fight against poverty and to improve the life’s conditions of unstable workers.
As an example of our investment in the current and future development of our destinations, the full funding of Baray Professional School in Cambodia, providing education up to 90 students/semesters in the fields of Tourism, Agriculture and Informatics.
Help in the conservation of the Local Cultures & History
Sustainable tourism comes with a respectful attitude regarding the local people. With the support given to the local communities of our destinations through our foundation as well as our products, we wish to preserve the local cultures, which are the essence of our industry. In the production of each of our destination, we create, as much as we can, programs favoring the traveler’s awareness about the culture of the countries visited, their fragility and the importance of their conservation.
Our permanent tour guides are coached on these issues in order to also “educate travelers” about those matters.
Another example of our commitment through our foundation: the support of The Independence Palace in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, a symbol of the history of Vietnam and the liberation of the South. It was classified as a National Monument in 1976. All the educational signs were created through the financial support of Phoenix Voyages and available in Vietnamese, English and French to help travelers to better understand the historical facts while visiting the monument.
Environmental Protection
Reducing the impact of tourism on the host countries remains one of the priorities. Natural resources should be preserved by implementing a thoughtful consumption. We aim to balance the socio-cultural and ecological interests while favoring the economic development of the destinations through their promotion to our clients.
Example: the rhinoceros conservation awareness campaign we launched in 2016 to resolve the issue concerning the rhinoceros poaching in Asia. The goal is to inform consumers about the methods of production of the rhinoceros horn powder and its real properties in order to limit its consumption. We created a dedicated section on our Foundation website, plus a mail banner linking directly to the website of the project we supported, that all Phoenix employees had in their e-mail signature for several months.

At Phoenix Voyages
sustainability is very important to us.
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Sustainability Activities

Each trip booked means a donation by us!
Phoenix Voyages has decided to give their support and participate in the platform “Voyage solidaire” .
When a client books a trip in a destination referenced, 10% of the booking amount is donated to a charity or NGO operating in the country.
This donation does not involve any additional costs for the client. The agency covers the traditional assembly and marketing costs that will become its contribution. The traveller will only have to choose the association he or she wishes to finance.
Projects sustainability

La Vie Vu Linh Eco village
Recently, Phoenix Voyages made a commitment to support the community tourism development project "La Vie Vu Linh". This eco-lodge farm, located in the village of Ngoi Tu, 170km northwest of Hanoi in Vietnam, is located in an area inhabited by ethnic minorities.
With a view to community development and eco-responsible tourism, the foundation financially supports the agro forestry project set up by the organization. A first part of our contribution allowed the renovation of the hen house carried out by the inhabitants of Ngoi Tu.
The long-term ambition is to provide these minorities with better living conditions and, more generally, to contribute to the economic development of Yen Bai Province by including them in the project design. With a view to community development and eco-responsible tourism, La Vie Vu Linh has initiated related projects around the 3 themes of Education, environmental protection and the preservation of local culture.
Phoenix Voyages’ Foundation supports the environmental protection sector through its financial support for the agroforestry project. The region in which the organisation is located is a mono-crop region (eucalyptus and manioc plantations) defined as highly harmful to the soil and the environment in general.
La Vie Vu Linh has developed an agro forestry project where the diversity of plant and animal species allows a great interaction between them and thus greatly reduces the use of chemical inputs (fertilizers as insecticides). The objective is to demonstrate to the inhabitants of the region that there is another possible form of farming that can be used to live by reducing negative environmental impacts.