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Events in Norway to plan for

Events in Norway

Events calendar Norway: If you need more information about events that take place in our fabulous country, we are happy to assist. There is a lot going on, here just a few exciting offerings. If you need more assistance, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We are here to help and are delighted to assist you.

Events in 2027

Events in Norway

Natural scenery is the essence of Norway, and every event showcases the culture of this land. A number of celebrations are connected to the seasons, winter one focused on ski resorts, ice-arts and the light phenomena, while summer is full of festivals of music, shopping and food. May 17 National Day is in the top of greatest events where all towns and cities are filled with parades, costumes and street merrymaking.

We strive to highlight all the main events, but if there's an event you think should be featured, please let us know at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

We add events on a continuous basis. So if you want to stay informed of the latest information, please bookmark this page.

Additional Events in Norway

Midsummer Celebration (St. Hans)

In this month of June, Norway sets ablaze for a celebration of the Midsummer or St Hans. Midsummer festivities involves the lighting of bonfires on the coast, where people come together to enjoy long summer days filled with music, food and fun. It is a time to appreciate nature and also there is a season of change.

Sami National Day

Every year, every 6th of February, there is a celebration in Norway for the native people of the Sami heartland, called the Sami National Day. It’s a day marked all over the country to appreciate the culture, history and traditions of the Sami people. The celebrations comprise music and dressing up in traditional clothes as well as eating local treats.