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Renovating Playgrounds in Polish Child Care Homes

Renovating Playgrounds in Polish Child Care Homes

Social Incentives with Intercrac: Renovating Playgrounds in Polish Child Care Homes

At Intercrac, we have a saying that travel should not be just about Culture but also an opportunity to make a positive impact. As part of our social commitment, we are pleased to present programs that allow visitors to become directly involved in rewarding activities like renovation of playgrounds in Polish Child Care Homes and Orphanages.

The intent of this project is to put smile on children’s faces while at the same time instilling a sense of belonging amongst its participants. By participating in the improvement of these vital areas, you make the lives of these children who live in these institutions better and also enrich their experience on a daily basis.

Imagine transforming a dull place into one with a vibrant atmosphere that children can play, laugh and grow in. Every little helps – be it the repainting of the furniture, planting some greenery or building new things.

Great for notable corporate social incentive programs or groups that are actively looking for projects to work on, the aim of this project is to promote teamwork through outreach programs. In unison, let us make it possible for you to come to Poland and make a significant change.

We are thankful for your support and would love it if you were to partner with us today in changing the life of each of these children in many ways.

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