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Off-Road 4x4 adventure:

Buckle up and get ready for the most extreme carpool ride of your life! Forget the smooth highways and mild roads—this is the Uyuni Salt Flats, the largest salt flats on Earth, stretching across a mind-boggling 10,000 square kilometers (so big, it makes regular-sized deserts feel insecure).

Here, your group can hop into a superhero of vehicles—capable of handling salt, dirt, dust. Once you're all packed into the 4x4, you’ll embark on an off-road adventure through this otherworldly terrain. At DMC Bolivia, we arrange it all  for you.

We'll take you to jaw-dropping sites like Isla Incahuasi, a giant cactus-covered island that pops out of the salt flats like it was teleported from another planet. Amazing, but true—cacti. On an island. In the middle of the largest salt flat on the planet. It's like nature couldn't decide between a desert and an ocean, so it just mashed them together and called it a day. Then there are the salt mounds, which are...well, mounds of salt, but trust me, when you're surrounded by 10,000 square kilometers of flat whiteness, even a pile of salt becomes thrilling. "Look, another one!" someone will shout, and somehow it never gets old.

And don't even get me started on the salt hotels. Yes, entire buildings made out of salt. Which raises important questions, like: How do they keep it from dissolving when someone spills their drink? Do you lick the walls for a free sample?

And to add to the thrill - there are no road signs, no landmarks. It is just an endless expanse of white as far as the eye can see. It’s like driving on the surface of the moon, but with a lot more salt and slightly fewer space aliens. By the end of the tour, you and your group will feel like true desert explorers—minus the camels, plus a lot more 4x4 horsepower. So, strap in, hold on tight, and get ready to explore the weirdest, wildest, most salt-covered adventure on Earth!

Weather in Bolivia

22 October 2024