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Join "Dancing in Ghana"

Dancing in Ghana - this fabulous activity shows you the dance culture of Ghana and let's you participate and enjoy the Ghanaian Dance. There are amazing dances to share with you, some outrageous, some happy, some serious. 

 The Ghana Dance Ensemble has a tradition of identifying young, talented artistes with mastery of particular dance forms from different parts of the country and training them to express a dazzling variety of dances.

Many of these dancers have gone on to lead their own companies or performed with internationally recognized groups.  The directors of the Ensemble have had the challenge of transforming dance in the day to day lives of Ghanaians to stage spectacular presentations.

This is an outrageous show of men dressed as women in a solemn, graceful, and totally campy celebration

The Ghana Dance Ensemble comes to you as an institution established to conserve the exquisite, rich heritage of Ghana's dance cultures and to stand for the exhilarating creativity that is the essence of Ghanaian Dance.

Dancing in Ghana

Did you know that each ethnic group has its own traditional dance? There are even dances for different occasions like festivals, marriage ceremonies, other celebrations, and funerals. These dances are performed to entertain and educate people e.g. adowa (means Antelope), agbadza, bamaya, borborbor, kpanlogo, kple and apatampa dance.

If you need help to organise this wonderful activitiy, please contact DMC Ghana

There are institutions that perform and teach such dances, notably the National Theather of Ghana. Other institutions are the School of Performing Arts, University of Ghana, and the Department of Theatre Arts, University of Education, Winneba. 

30 May 2024