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Experience Rural Estonia with Baltic Travel Group - 

Baltic Travel Group takes you on an exciting adventure into rural Estonia. The wild beauty of Lahemaa National Park is waiting for you, a natural paradise famous for its diverse landscapes that include magical forests, calm bogs and rough coastlines. This carefully planned tour gives you a genuine experience of Estonia’s untamed nature and rich cultural history.

Discover the Wonders of Lahemaa National Park

Your journey starts in beautiful Lahemaa National Park – the biggest and one of the most scenic reserves in Estonia. As you walk through this vast wilderness, there are many different types of scenery from thick ancient woodland to wide open moors or cliffs overlooking the sea. These varied ecosystems are home to countless species of animals as well as providing breathtaking views at every turn.

Explore Viru Bog: A Natural Wonder

One highlight among all these marvels is Viru Bog which is stunningly beautiful. Boardwalks meander across its unusual terrain giving fantastic vantage points over this peaceful almost alien landscape. Nature lovers cannot afford not to visit Viru Bog with its clear waters, lush plants and rich fauna.

Take a Stroll Through Altja Fisherman’s Village

Next stop should be picturesque Altja Fisherman’s Village where quaintness oozes out from wooden houses dating back centuries ago when life was simpler here by the shore line. Walk around small streets lined with cozy cottages while learning about local fishing traditions that molded this tranquil coastal settlement throughout time.

Visit Palmse Manor House – An Architectural Gem

Equally important part during your trip will be elegant Palmse Manor House – masterpiece representing Estonian architectural heritage at its best always attracts visitors’ attention due to unique beauty combined inside & outside but also due largely because it reflects various historical periods through which different owners brought up children so they could learn more about their ancestors’ traditions integrated into everyday life within manor walls built originally by wealthy merchants involved mainly trade business activities along Baltic Sea routes used extensively for centuries before WWII started destroying everything left behind afterwards including lush gardens surrounding palatial estates built nearby where noble families liked spending summers together having fun outdoors playing games like tennis cricket etc besides hunting wild boars deer foxes rabbits etc while strolling through parks adorned flowers blooming all year round beautifully designed flowerbeds arranged artistically creating memorable impressions just walking past them casually without stopping even once!

Taste Traditional Estonian Cuisine

You can’t come to rural Estonia without trying some food! At a local inn enjoy hearty meals inspired by traditional Estonian cooking known for generous portions served warmly accompanied friendly smiles welcoming guests feel comfortable like home away from home especially after long day exploring surroundings eating freshly caught fish grilled over open fire seasoned salt pepper herbs spices garlic onions carrots potatoes mushrooms…yum!

Baltic Travel Group: Your Gateway Into Nature Paradise In Estonia

Exceptional immersive travel experiences provided by expert guides who focus showcasing treasures found nowhere else on Earth make sure unforgettable adventures await those brave enough explore uncharted territories waiting being discovered hidden gems scattered all around our planet just ask anyone who traveled off beaten paths 😉

Experience Rural Estonia Now!

Are you ready? Book Baltic Travel Group trips now so we can take care everything else while showing off beautiful untouched wilderness areas full interesting historic sites delicious local cuisines never tasted anywhere else before!

02 August 2024